Client Thank You
Thank you for finding ME
Thank you for not losing me
Thank you for being honest
Thank you for being funny and serious
Thank you for not being judgemental
Thank you for caring about me
Thank you for telling me the facts
Thank you for not sugar coating it
Thank you for keeping going with me
Thank you for being beside me
Thank you for being behind me
Thank you for being above me
Thank you for being below me
Thank you for holding me and…
Thank you for continuing to hold me every time I fall
Thank you for HEARING my story
Thank you for sharing your story
Thank you for listening over & over
Thank you for doing all you do for others
Thank you for all you do for me
Thank you for all the insights
Thank you for the ideas and the tactics
Thank you for your belief in me
Thank you for giving me the confidence to believe in myself
Thank you for seeing beyond the addiction
Thank you for connecting with the person I am
Thank you for believing I can do this
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.